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French Indo China PARA Conversion Kit for US M1 shell variant 2

French parachutist Conversion Kit for US M1 shell, the TAP/EO system
$ 49.99
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  • French parachutist Conversion Kit for US M1 shell, the TAP/EO system characterized by a piece of khaki canvas heart shaped runner on which 2 metal D rings are fixed under a flap to receive a khaki canvas made chin-piece..

    those thick canvas (cotton croise'320) are made by cotton ,cut from old equipments.

    this pattern TAP/EO system ,which the heart shape is made in thick khaki canvas (cotton croise'320)  , the chin-piece too. TAP/EO system is riveted independent of the US M1 helmet liner with brass rivets. the haevy helmet shell's chinstraps are riveted on the shell's D ring with brass rivetes.

    to install this pattern system. 2 holes needed to be drilled on the liner.


    pls contact for order






